Thursday, August 19, 2021

3 day lockdown

 Kia ora tamariki and whānau,

I hope you are well and keeping yourselves safe. As you may have seen - these three days are a chance to relax and play at home. If we here of any more news and lockdown is extended, all of your online learning activities will be found on this blog.

As per our last post, now is a good a time as any to make sure we are being kind to one another.

Explore the links on the side bar - use Mathletics, Banqer, Epic! if you are looking for a few activities to do. I challenge you to also comment on someone elses blog - can you leave a comment that is thoughtful, kind or funny?

Some children recently used a platform called Education Perfect. They are welcome to login and use this programme. If our time at home is extended I will send login information to each students to ensure they can access.

Fingers crossed I will be seeing your smiling faces on Monday.

Until then, aroha from me and my very happy (because I'm at home!) puppy Iggy. 


  1. Iggy looks so happy to have her mum at home Sarah! I bet she hopes lockdown goes on for ages and ages. I hope everyone in your bubble is well and you had a relaxing weekend. Keep up the great learning Room 8, there's so much here for you to do!
